Judd Spicer/City Pages with keys to a strong start for the team’s season.
Before playing his first NBA game, rookie Kevin Love is already proving one of the most polarizing figures in ‘Wolves history. I’m of the stance that the post-draft trade that sent away high-octane guard O.J. Mayo to Memphis in exchange for Love (among other secondaries both ways) was the right move. The NBA is a player’s league — anybody who’s given the chance at taking 20 shots can score. But Love is unique. He’s a savvy big man who can pass, shoot from the outside, and will eventually prove a creative positional rebounder — all tenets that will aid Al Jefferson in time. A slow start may ensue, but give these skills time to develop and this nephew of Beach Boy Mike Love will prove more “Good Vibrations” than “When I Grow Up (To Be a Man).”
Love worked the counter at the Minneapolis City Center from 9-9:30 this morning and said he’s now an old pro when it comes to making mocha frappuccinos.
“That’s my specialty right there,” he said. “A lot of people ordered that. They showed me how to make it and I ended up making four or five of them in about 20 minutes so it was fun.”
Click here for a pic of Love serving coffee.
The Wolves? It was back to square one. And despite the improvement they showed in the final month of the season, Wittman’s 34-90 record as the team’s head coach still stands out.
“That’s what it always comes down to, whether you start over like we did last year and go through 20-some wins like we did, I’m still judged on wins and losses,” Wittman said. “I don’t really worry about that stuff.”
I love Kevin Love. I think he’s going to be a very good player in the NBA. He’s going to be great on the glass, and will likely become the league’s best passing big man. But just like most NBA players, Love has his weaknesses…
With Love’s lack of lateral movement and defensive prowess, Amare is going to have a lot of fun against the T-Wolves this season. The inevitable spanking Amare will give Kevin Love this season might be bad enough to make Love wish he was still back at UCLA, dominating everyone in the Pac-10.
Darnell Mayberry/The Oklahoman lists Randy Foye as one of this season’s five breakout players.
Finance and Commerce with a pic of “what the Target Center green roof will look like when it’s completed in 2009.”