Spurs 103 – TWolves 85
Record: 14-52
Record: 14-52
We suck. We suckity suck suck suckity suck suck.
Ok, there’s not much actual recap here, but rather, I needed to pimp my post-game Q&A that I partook in, with the studly dudes over at Project Spurs. If you seriously don’t know how awesome PS is, well… then I feel sorry for you. It’s the best Spurs blog on the web, bar none. Granted, you probably think I’m saying this because they have the little penguin thingy planted in the upper right of the blog. Alas, that’s not the case. These guys are just the best, and their podcasts are amazing. So yeah, I did a post-game Q&A with them that can be found HERE.
Before I elaborate on that, let’s go back to the game quick. Apparently KLove sat out with a “mild foot sprain.” Yeeeeeah… ok. More like a “sprained ego.” See what happens when you question the KAHN man’s choice for head coach? You sit. Where do you think Pecherov has been all season? We are a different level of bad. It’s hard to describe to people that don’t follow the Wolves. We might not win a game in March. Our team turns the beautiful game of basketball into a bastardized version of junior varsity. If it wasn’t bad enough that we flat-out SUCK, we are just incredibly boring to watch. Not a good combo.
And you wonder why the organization slashed ticket prices by 50%…
Ok no… I wasn’t wondering why they did it either. Can’t lie there.
We shot 39%, had amazingly, only 13 turnovers, got out-rebounded by 10, got out-assisted, out-blocked, out-offensive rebounded, out-shot, etc etc etc etc… you get the point.
Short story long, we lost. Again.

Short story long, we lost. Again.
Don’t forget, I did the post-game Q&A with the Project Spurs guys. Check it out HERE. We drop all kinds of knowledge.