In case anyone that still follows this sorry team wasn’t aware, the Minnesota Timberwolves Organization is running the season ticket promotion again this season, where you can “Pay the Pick” in terms of dollars, for a season ticket next year. They did it last year, and it was a moderate success. Paying $6 per game AND having the Wolves draft Jonny Flynn was pretty shitty, but whatever, let’s move on. If you didn’t know about it last year, if you’ve seen any Wolves games (or their website, it’s plastered all over it), you’d notice it again this season. I got emailed the following the other day from someone in the organization, because they were asking if it could be posted here on TWB…
Please Click “Read More” to see what’s going on with this team…
Again, here’s the email I got:
I want to send you a direct link to our Pay the Pick promotion, which is a pretty amazing season-ticket deal for Wolves fans. We hope that you can post the information on your respective sites, so our fan base can take advantage of paying as little as $1 per game and only up to $5 if we are unlucky in upcoming lottery.
Season Tickets
As Low as $1 Per Game
- Put down a $43 non-refundable deposit.
- Based on the Wolves lottery fortunes, your per-seat per-game price will match the team’s draft pick number.
- If the Wolves get the #1 pick, your account is paid in full.
What are the odds…
- #1 PICK: 19.90%
- #2 PICK: 18.78%
- #3 PICK: 17.07%
- #4 PICK: 31.86%
- #5 PICK: 12.39%
I do want to be serious for a moment here. Paying $5 per game for a season ticket to any professional sporting event is a pretty decent to good deal. Don’t get it twisted, these NBA athletes are the very best in the world, and its amazing to watch them perform. Hell, this deal is worth it just to watch the other teams come and whoop up on the Wolves, if you are so inclined to travel to Target Center. On top of that, you can pretty much sit wherever you want for the game(s), because we all know the attendance situation. And if you don’t know the attendance situation, watch the next home game on TV where you will see about 8,000 people in attendance. So, if you are interested in hitting up this good deal, follow the linkage below:

Nooooooooooooooooooooow, with that said… what the heck is going on here? So let me see if I’ve got this straight… here are two extreme options for this deal, should we win the lottery or get completely raped:
– The TWolves win the draft lottery (woooohooooo finally suckas!) and we draft John Wall or Evan Turner. AND I only have to pay $1 for season tickets!?! HELL AND YES. Sign me up! I mean, I’d pay like at least $10 for those season tickets (shhhh don’t tell anyone.)
– The Twolves get massively shafted in the you-know-where, and by some act of Satan God three teams somehow manage to leapfrog us into the lottery, causing us to drop 3 spots to #5. We end up drafting Al-Farouq Aminu or some other suckface and the fans suffer through yet another 15-20 win season. And I pay the MOST MONEY for this scenario???
The economics of it just don’t make any damn sense. It’s either cheap greatness or expensive failure. Seriously, who’s idea was this? Well, let me elaborate, because it’s a solid idea. The payment structure is just ass backwards!
I mean, charge us $5 (or more) if we somehow win the lottery (don’t worry, won’t happen.) And then charge us the bare miniumum of $1 if we get hosed and have to draft fifth. $2 if we only get semi-hosed and draft fourth. You see the point here? I mean, doesn’t this make much more sense to everyone? Getting the number one overall pick in and of itself will generate a TON of excitement and buzz for the team!
Actually, the more I think about it… if we end up drafting fifth they might have to pay people $1 (or more) to attend some games next year.