Mouse over/Highlight—› Fat Spiderman with 51% of the vote!

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Twenty-four years ago these two competitors participated in Wrestlemania 2. Mr. T fought Rowdy Roddy Piper in a main-event boxing match, and the Macho Man won the Intercontinental Title by pinning George the Animal Steele. Now, these two legends of the 80’s will once again step into battle, this time as head-to-head competitors for one of the two finalist positions in the Mascot Challenge. It’s been nearly a quarter of a decade, but the stakes have never been higher!
The Macho Man has had a storied journey through the bracket. He was a late-comer to the tournament, but paid his dues by walking away a victor in the Athlete region’s triple-threat match. He then went on to shock the world by downing the gruesome twosome of Marko Jaric and Adrianna Lima. And, of course, we just witnessed his recent defeat of Dwight Shrute who used a loophole to gain re-enterance to the tournament following the AP/Mauer double-disqualification. Now that the stakes are at their highest, the only question remaining is whether or not the Macho Man is the best candidate for our Lottery Mascot. Personally, I can’t think of a better reaction to David Stern flipping over our card for the #1 pick, than millions of Wolves fans screaming “OOOOOH YEEEEEAAAAHHH!
Then there’s Mr. T. Perhaps no other contender has had a more difficult road to the Final Four than Inspector Collect. Other than his cream-puff second-round bout with Frodo Baggins, Mr. T has faced a barrage of mascot heavy-weights. First he knocked off the legendary Chuck Norris. Equally as impressive, he knocked off Sean Connery in the Elite Eight. And, of course, his battle with white supremacist Taylor Swift will go down in the history books as a victory for all humanity. I won’t contiue to belabor this, as it’s clear to anyone why Mr. T would be a phenomenal mascot to represent the Wolves. You think David Stern would dare to pull a switcheroo with the envelopes with B.A. Barracus in our corner?
Be sure to check back on Friday when we announce the winners and hold the voting for the Mascot Challenge Championship!