Lady and gentleman, tens of Wolves fans, it’s time to put your psychic ability to the test. It’s time for you to formally predict the imminent doom of the Wolves and the future playoff-level success of the surrounding 6 teams in the NBA Draft Lottery. Today we announce our 2nd Annual TwolvesBlog Draft Lottery Contest. Last year had a solid level of participation, and we expect this year’s contest to be even better. Because This year’s Prize is twice as good. Prize? You read right. CLICK “READ MORE” TO LEARN HOW TO ENTER THIS TWB EXCLUSIVE CONTEST.

1. What the hell is this? A guessing game. Simply build your own Mock Draft (Lottery only, Top 14 picks plus the remainder of the Wolves picks as of 6/9/10) using our technologically-advanced entry form below and send it over to the e-mail address provided below.

2. What are the Rules? Simple. First, fill out this basic entry form on your own:


Forum Username (if applicable):






















1. What position will Luke Harangody be drafted at?

2.  How many trades will the Wolves make on Draft Night?

And send to

– ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM Central Time on Wednesday, June 23rd
to be considered. You can submit at any time, or make revisions. However, any resubmission will result in a 1-point penalty to your final score. The gamble is yours to take. Enter early if you have a hunch, or shift things around as individual workouts approach.

-We want to note that the team ultimately selecting at each slot is irrelevant. We are only scoring based upon player/position. There are too many trades in the first round to keep track of those variables and devising a scoring formula would be too much to ask us based on our current pay scale. Sorry. But feel free to offer ideas for next year.

-In the event of a tie, the first tie-breaker question will be used to determine the winner, closest numerically to the correct answer. Question 1 will take priority over the second tie-breaker question. For example, if contestants 1 and 2 are tied, and contestant 1 guesses the 1st tie-breaker question correctly, and contestant 2 guesses the 2nd tie-breaker question correctly, then contestant 1 will win the contest.  If we are still tied then we call a draw and the contestants split the prize and/or promptly escort the TWB staff to The Seville Club after a mid-January game versus the Pistons.

3. How is this Scored?

There are a few ways to earn points:

1. Selecting the right player at each position. Each correct guess will award points based upon the following tiers:

-Picks 1-7 – 1 point each correct pick

-Picks 8-13 – 2 points each correct pick

-Pick 14 – 3 Points each correct pick

-Bonus Picks  – 2 Points each correct pick

-Guessing Harangody in the lottery = Immediate disqualification. This is NOT a joke.

2. Hot Streaks

-Correctly guess multiple picks in a row and you will be rewarded handsomely. For every streak of 2 or more you will be awarded a bonus point per selection. For example: if you correctly guess 2 in a row you get 2 bonus points,. 3 in a row, 3 bonus points. 4 in a row, 4 bonus points, and so on and so forth. If this is not making sense then perhaps this just isn’t the contest for you.

4. What is the Prize?

The Wolves organization was generous enough to double the pot this year. Last year we gave away 2 free tickets to a game of your choice. This year we are giving away 4 $85 Lower Level Tickets to the Winner. A really solid prize and we thank the Wolves organization for participating in this. Best part is, you get to pick the date and team (some restrictions) any time next year that works for you.

From out of town? Fly in and enjoy a weekend in the cities. I want to mention that if you do enter for fun, win the prize and feel as if you will never be able to attend a game, that you be up-front and allow us to award the tickets to the 2nd place winner, and/or simply keep the tickets for ourselves. I kid.

5. When will we find out the winner?

Hopefully within 7-9 days after the draft once we score all of the contestants.

6. Good Luck!

The Utmost Warmest Regards,

The TWB Staff