Pictures brought to you today by TWolves Blog member Matt McCabe. He is a Sports Reporter in St. James, MN, whom also occasionally freelances. He took over 1,000 photos from this scrimmage. However, I don’t get paid enough to post them all here on TWB. So, check these out.
Check out all the picturey goodness after the jump!
(His hair might look like Mike Miller, but I guarantee his game doesn’t.)
(I am sooooo gonna score five billion points per game this year.)
(Just like D-Wade taught me.)
(Resisting the urge to post inappropriate captions…)
(Must. Dunk. Basketball. Every. Chance. I. Get.)
(See caption above.)
(Can also shoot basketball for a living.)
(That tat looks familiar. Thanks Twitter!)
(Just a “boring” warmup dunk. Already more warmup dunks than we had all last season.)
(See Brewer run. See Brewer dribble. See calamity ensue.)
(Throw it down big fella!)
(The battle for Eastern Bloc supremecy in the NBA. Only one can emerge victorious.)
(Rebounds are scary. P.S. Like my mustache?)
(Quick, name that player!)
(Hey, didn’t you used to be John Thomas?)
(I’m soooo gonna dunk this…)
(Oh yeah baby here it comes…)
(Dangit. Did not dunk.)
(Nice shirt. Showoff.)
(Pfffff. I do that in my sleep.)
(Can we nickname him ‘Foreign Gumby’? He’s so stretchy.)
(At least he can’t dribble out the shot clock when he’s on the bench…)
(Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser…)

(I knew I shouldn’t have asked Tyson Chandler for dribbling lessons this summer.)

(Beasley gives him some Tough Love. Ok, I’ll stop now.)

(Hey ladies. I’m soooo gonna outlet pass this down to the other baseline.)
(I’m so good. I have more gold medals than everyone else combined.)
(Obligatory Cheerleader shot.)
(And more.)
(No…. it’s my preciousssssssss!)

(Darko looks about 856 cheeseburgers skinnier)

(Why am I not still in LA…)

(Coach Rambis and Skeletor)

(Welcome back! Now just don’t suck and you can play like 25 minutes per game.)

(Seriously, you could play like 25 mpg if you just pass the ball and make open baskets.)

(Normally one of the smiliest players in the league. Someone must have killed his dog.)

(At least Wes’ smiliness is infectious!)

(Name that TWolf part 2.)

(It seems so simple and effortless)

(Ramon Sessions was right that this 3pt line is so much further away than in college.) (It’s Jerry’s world, we just live in it.)
(Our mascot rocks.)
You can view all of Matt’s pictures HERE