The Preakness Stakes is the second leg of the Triple Crown Series which will be happening on the every third Saturday of May following the first leg which is the Kentucky Derby. This is also a race of three-year-old thoroughbred horses and some of the entries joining were the horse racers who also joined the Kentucky Derby. Surely, a lot of horse racing fans are also looking forward to witnessing this major horse racing event and find their best bets to wage their money to earn big.
Furthermore, the Preakness is held in the race course of Pimlico, Baltimore, Maryland. For some who may don’t know the Preakness Stakes will have its final show in Pimlico this year as they will head on and find a new place by next year. While it’s a hard decision for the Preakness Stakes team to leave the place as Pimlico served as their home for many years, they could not do something about it because the land developers of the racetrack would expand the area for more income-generating business establishments.
While this may be true, the Preakness Stakes will still continue and there’s no way it can be postponed and stopped. This year’s edition of the Preakness Stakes will surely bring you a whole new experience making sure that your betting will be more fun. As you head on to Pimlico or even bet by just sitting in your couch and watching the TV, here are some Preakness betting tips and how to place your bets without a hitch.
Picking The Right Preakness Winner

For every horse racing bettors, Preakness Stakes betting is fun and exciting especially when picking for the right horse winner. Some even scrutinize thoroughly all the entries to make sure that they became successful in betting. Below are the major techniques you can apply to make sure you can bet effectively.
Know The Horse Trainers
It may sound desperate, but the first thing you should look at before betting a horse racer is knowing the trainer. Your ability to know the trainer’s background will help you assess the capability of your hose racer to finish the race course. The trainer’s power to train the horse in full speed and endurance will also aid you in choosing the right entry to bet.
Review Recent Forms
In betting for a horse racer, you only do not bet because you feel he would win. Gut feel won’t help you and if you bet this way you might lose. The best way to take a look at the probability of every horse racer to win is by looking on their previous forms. This talks about the history of winning and records of losing so you can check if they’re the right entry to bet.
Knowing the previous forms of every horse racers you want to bet will make sure that you do not the only wage to throw away a penny. The forms will be your guide checking the ability of horse racer of who’s going to make it to the finish line.
Try To Consider The Favorites
In most cases, the favorites to win are the entries that mostly get the most bets and at the same time finishes and wins the race course. You might consider in betting the expert’s favorites and make sure you bet precisely.
How To Place Your Preakness Stakes Bets Online
Below are the things you need to follow to bet the Preakness Stakes online.
Choose A Very Trusted Online Sportsbook
When you bet online, find sites that have a trusted sportsbook. This will make sure that you won’t get scammed upon betting and at the same time, you’ll get a return of your investment real time.
Sign Up and Fund
Once you have successfully found a site with a trusted sportsbook, you can then sign up and fund it. Open an account and make sure that you fill out the necessary information being asked. Once done, fund it and make sure you take advantage so some bonuses given by the site.
Look For The Race Book
This one is harder to find compared to the sportsbook. You need to look at this when you are trying to find a trusted sportsbook to make sure that you have full guide upon betting. The racebook also serves as your guide because it contains the list of all odds and entries of every racer.
At the same time, this will give you the categories of betting you can partake. This will easily help you understand where and what types of bet you are going to place.
Place Your Bets
Once you have successfully chosen the type of bets and entries you want to wage, then it’s time to place your bets. Select the type of bet then carefully follow the instruction in order to close your wage.